Malvern Spring Dental Practice | Just another WordPress site
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Welcome to Malvern Spring Dental Practice.

This website contains information about the services we provide, how to make an appointment and who to contact for further information and assistance.

You can use the menu to find the information you need, or scroll.

Our practice is fully DDA compliant, providing complete access for disabled patients.

For appointments call:
01684 567 111

Opening times

Mony Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturda    Before attending the practice please make sure you have read the following information:


  • You will be  sent an email or text reminder with a link to a  patient portal ( which allows access to essential paperwork). In order to access this link ,  you must use a security code which will be text to you first.  Please complete all paperwork for your dental visit via this system.  If you have problems accessing the portal then please contact the practice receptionist.
  • Please note, we will send a text reminder the day before your treatment or family appointment to confirm, please respond by phone or email. If we do not receive your confirmation by the day of the appointment it will automatically be cancelled.



  • Any paperwork/ payments we require you to complete will be carried out before your appointment. This is likely to be digital paperwork/ contactless payments for dental treatment . You may have already completed the majority of digital paperwork via the patient portal which will have been sent via text or email link a few days before your appointment. If you do not have an email address or mobile telephone number, we will ask you to complete paperwork at the practice when you attend ( if patient is unsure how to complete, staff members can help with this. )
  • Once your dental appointment is complete we will escort you to reception. Any additional paperwork/appointment bookings will then be completed.


This practice has made the decision that during the winter months when respiratory illnesses are higher, we would prefer patients and visitors to continue wearing face masks to protect our staff and vulnerable patients. This however is not mandatory.

Best wishes
Dr T Mirza

Services available

We have agreed with NHS England to provide NHS services for all patients.

NHS dental treatment includes all treatment necessary to secure and maintain your oral health.

We also provide a full range of private treatment options for patients who choose to have treatment that is not available on the NHS. Please ask for details.

We can also refer you to another dentist if you require specialist treatment involving sedation or orthodontics.

The poster in our waiting room has information about  the cost of NHS treatment. Your dentist will advise you of the cost of your private treatment.

We are NOT taking on NHS patients .



Making Appointments

If you ask us for an appointment, we will try to offer you one as soon as possible at a convenient time. You can make an appointment by phoning 01684 567 111.

Our online booking system is available for routine examinations only, for any other treatment please phone our reception.

We are currently not taking on any new NHS patients.


Reminders and recalls

At the end of your course of treatment, your dentist will discuss when you will need to see a dentist again. NHS dentists now follow guidelines issued by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). This means you will attend as often as is needed to keep you teeth and gums healthy and may no longer need a check up every six months.

We do provide a reminder service whereby we send a reminder letter in the post or contact you by SMS text or email when your check up is due.


If you are unable to keep your appointment please let us know as soon as possible so that we can give the appointment to someone else. Missed appointments waste NHS time, and as per our Failed To Attend Policy, if you miss more than three appointments and give less than 24 hours notice, we may not be able to complete your treatment or offer you NHS care in the future.

Urgent treatment & out of hours care

Urgent treatment means treatment that the dentist considers necessary to relieve severe pain or prevent your oral condition deteriorating before you can make a normal appointment.

If you need urgent treatment outside of the practice opening hours you can contact NHS 111. The out of hours service they provide is available Monday to Thursday, 6pm to 8am, from 6pm on Friday to 8am on Monday; and all bank holidays until 8am the next working day.

We also offer a number of appointments during practice opening hours for patients who need urgent treatment. If you think you need urgent treatment you can contact us on 01684 567 111 during our opening hours.

Useful Information

Your Rights and Responsibilities

You are entitled to:

  • A thorough examination of your mouth, teeth and gums.
  • A full explanation of your treatment options.
  • A written treatment plan (including costs).
  • Information about the NHS charges are displayed in the waiting room.
  • Advice on how to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
  • Information about this practice and services available.
  • A care and treatment summary if you decide to transfer to another dentist.
  • Make a complaint if you are not happy with your treatment and care.

NHS Dental Charges


Emergency dental treatment – £26.80 This covers emergency care in a primary care NHS dental practice such as pain relief or a temporary filling.

Band 1 course of treatment – £26.80 This covers an examination, diagnosis (including X-rays), advice on how to prevent future problems, a scale and polish if clinically needed, and preventative care such as the application of fluoride varnish or fissure sealant if appropriate.

Band 2 course of treatment – £73.50 This covers everything listed in Band 1 above, plus any further treatment such as fillings, root canal work or removal of teeth but not more complex items covered by Band 3.

Band 3 course of treatment – £319.10 This covers everything listed in Bands 1 and 2 above, plus crowns, dentures, bridges and other laboratory work.

You are responsible for:

  • Giving at least 24 hours notice if you have to cancel or change an appointment. We will not charge you for missed appointments – but if you miss more than three appointments we may no longer be able to offer you treatment.
  • Following your dentists advice to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Paying your bill promptly.
  • Bringing proof of entitlement when claiming help with the cost of NHS treatment. If no proof is shown eligibility will be checked.
  • Treating our staff with courtesy and respect**

Your Dental Records

Your dental records will remain confidential and secure. However from time to time we may need to release these to NHS England or the NHS Business Services Authority as part as our ongoing clinical review process. We will try to contact you before releasing your dental records to another organisation.

If you would like to comment about any aspect of our service, please contact Zoe Shaw, Practice Manager. If you are not happy with the response you receive from us you are entitled to raise this verbally or in writing with your Primary Care Trust. You can get support with making a complaint from:

NHS Dental Services  the complaints manager or Patient Liaison Service (PALS) at NHS England, your local Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS), Citizens Advice or visit

The Dental Team

At Malvern Spring Dental Practice our dentists, dental nurses and reception staff always aim to provide a high standard of care and service for patients.

The members of our dental team are:

Dr T Mirza
BChD Leeds Principal Dentist, GDC 71997

Dr A Rahman
BDS Dhaka DPHD MDSc MFDS RCSEd Dentist, GDC 84441

Zoe Shaw
Practice Manager and Head Nurse, GDC 285694

T Bashir
Business Manager, GDC 261358

Joanna Pawlus 

Dental Nurse GDC 269738

Nicola Gilbert  


Caitlin Prothero

Trainee Dental Nurse


Useful contacts

Should you have a dental emergency outside of the practice opening hours, please call NHS 111 who will be able to assist you, or alternatively go to

The local NHS England Commissioning Team are responsible for commissioning dental services in this area, their address is: NHS England, Wildwood, Wildwood Drive, Worcester, WR5 2LG.